Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Mind = BLOWN

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. My New Year's Eve started off with a trip to the Dayton Art Institute which I haven't been to in probably 15 years or so. When I was younger I used to go there on saturdays for various classes and it was kind of cool to come back there and see a lot of old paintings that I used to sit and draw on the way to the main attraction - an exhibit on Rembrandt and other Dutch Masters from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
All I have to say is HOLY SHIT. I never really was a fan of the paintings of the old masters, mostly because I was always obsessed with comic books and graphic illustration, but since I've been trying to paint more, I definately have a new found respect for what those guys were able to accomplish, under much harder conditions and with all homemade materials. I've also avoided oils like the plague, mostly for health concerns, but seeing the works there, makes me really want to try my hand at oils again (I haven't opened up my oil paints case since 1994) because I know I can never get that look with acrylics......anyway, it was a very humbling and inspiring exhibit. If you are in the Dayton area, it's going to be up for another week so check it out.

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